
Monday, August 19, 2024

Nazi anti-Talmud propaganda is back in the mainstream

The war in Gaza has not just boosted left-wing antisemites. It also animates right-wing antisemites, who suddenly pretend that they care about Palestinian lives as long as they can attack Jews. 

People with millions of followers are now posting fake Talmud quotes. It is not only the Right - Alice Walker wrote a poem about how evil Jews are for studying the Talmud and her "anti-Zionist" friends defended her  - but the bulk of the Talmud lies come from the Right. 

This graphic has been going around social media; I saw it this morning from someone named Ryan Garcia who has over a million followers. Garcia, like Holocaust revisionists and 9/11 "truthers," pretends that he is only "asking questions" and doesn't hate anyone. It is a lazy defense for hate, one shared with Alice Walker, because the choice of "questions" are always intended to imply an answer. It would be as if I would start "asking questions' about whether Garcia is a pedophile. From everything I can see, the chances of that are higher than that he is a not an antisemite.

But the Talmud crap has been pushed by Candance Jones, by fighter Jake Shields, by poker player Dan Bilzerian, by Danish physician Anastasia Maria Loupis and by Nick Fuentes - all who have over a million followers each.  

The "Jews are guilty of genocide" and "Jews are commanded to kill goyim" crowds may be mostly on opposite sides of the political spectrum, but they are two sides of the same coin. Just as the "genocide' libel with Israel, the lies are rapidly becoming mainstream because when enough people read it, they start believing it.   Which is why we see the arguments bleeding from one group to the next. The fake Talmud quotes are also popular in theArab and Black antisemitic worlds. 

The source for all these quotes is Nazi literature. Nazi ideologue Alfred Rosenberg wrote a pamphlet listing these fake quotes in 1920, and it was translated into English this century by his neo-Nazi fans. 

This is not something to dismiss as fringe. The millions of people now being exposed to these lies get affected by them. Studies have shown that repitition of lies makes things seem more truthful. 

And we only have to look at Robert Bowers, the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, who wrote an email a year before with one of the fake quote collections.

Something else that the far Right and far Left antisemites have in common: a desire to finish what Hitler started. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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Read all about it here!