
Sunday, June 09, 2024

Official Palestinian Authority news doesn't mention the rescue once but claims there was a "massacre"

The official Palestinian Authority news agency Wafa had many stories about the events in the Nuseirat camp yesterday = but readers would have no idea that four Israeli hostages were rescued. To the Palestinian media, it was merely a senseless "massacre.'

The initial news story said, 

 80 citizens were martyred, the majority of them children and women, and others were injured, today, Saturday, as a result of the intense occupation bombardment, by land, sea and air, on the Central Governorate in the central Gaza Strip, specifically the Nuseirat camp, which witnessed unprecedented aggression, for more than two hours.
The death toll of the massacre, carried out by the Israeli occupation forces as a result of targeting the central governorate in the central Gaza Strip, especially the Nuseirat camp, rose today, Saturday, to 210 martyrs and more than 400 injured.

Our correspondent said that military vehicles suddenly entered the areas east and northwest of the Nuseirat camp, coinciding with violent artillery shelling that targeted large areas of the camp.

The occupation vehicles also penetrated near the Wadi Gaza Bridge on the Salah al-Din Road in the center of the Gaza Strip, and expanded their incursion east of Deir al-Balah and into the Bureij and al-Maghazi camps.
Then a whole series of reactions from the Arab world that similarly ignored the point of the rsid:

The Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement issued on Saturday evening, “The Arab Republic of Egypt condemns in the strongest terms the Israeli attacks on the Nuseirat camp in the central Gaza Strip, which resulted in the martyrdom of more than 150 Palestinians and the injury of hundreds, in blatant violation of all provisions of the law, international law, international humanitarian law, and all the values ​​of humanity and human rights.”
The Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriate Affairs condemned the brutal Israeli attack that targeted the Nuseirat camp today, Saturday, and resulted in the death and injury of hundreds, which reflects the systematic targeting of Palestinian civilians, and the Israeli persistence in violating international law and international humanitarian law, and continuing to commit war crimes.
The Organization of Islamic Cooperation condemned the horrific bloody massacre committed by the Israeli occupation army in the Nuseirat camp in the Gaza Strip, which led to the martyrdom and wounding of hundreds of Palestinian citizens, the majority of whom were women and children. The organization considered, in a statement issued by it, that "what is happening is a continuation of organized state terrorism and the crime of genocide, in flagrant violation of international humanitarian law and relevant United Nations resolutions."
Here's a photo that you will never see in Palestinian media.*

* I spoke too soon. Roya News used a similar photo to claim that Hamas treats the hostages better than Israelis treat prisoners. 

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