
Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Israel may not be exhibiting in Paris, but it set a new record in arms sales in 2023 (update)

As we've been reporting, Israeli companies, Israelis themselves and perhaps even Jewsperhaps even Jews have been banned from the gigantic Eurosatory arms expo in Paris. 

But somehow potential customer of Israeli defense firms seem to find ISrael anyway.

From Reuters:

 Israeli defence exports rose to a record $13.1 billion in 2023, a government report said on Monday, citing hundreds of contracts signed at various defence firms.
Some 36% of exports came from missile, rocket and air defence systems, followed by radar and electronic warfare, weapon stations and launchers at 11% each, with crewed aircraft and avionics at 9%, the Defence Ministry said.
Defence exports, which totalled $12.5 billion in 2022, have doubled over the past five years.
Israel's defense department released this graphic showing the increase in Israeli arms exports over the past 24 years.

And it also turns out that despite the attempts to stop any Israeli technologies at Eurosatory, some are apparently being shown anyway.

Israel Defense reports that German defense giant Rheinmetall is showcasing a selection of Israeli suicide drones from UVision, and Polish company PGZ Group is showing an armored vehicle which features a pair of Spike LR/LR2 anti-tank missile launchers manufactured by Israel's Rafael.

The decision by a French court prohibiting the entry of Israelis to a defense exhibition was suspended on Tuesday as well as the  French government's decision to prevent those manufacturers from showcasing their products in the pavillions.
...The government's decision at the end of May to prevent Israeli companies from exhibiting at the fair – which led to the cancellation of the participation of dozens of Israeli companies that were supposed to exhibit there – was also effectively overturned on Tuesday.
Of course, they cannot re-open their booths at this late date. The Israeli section was turned into a cafe.

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