
Sunday, June 30, 2024

Algeria trying to regain the title of Most Antisemitic Media

Here's an illustration of an article in Algeria's El Ayem News:

It shows a vicious dog attacking an elderly Palestinian lady with a vampire-like Netanyahu watching on. 

(The graphic is based on a false story that is all over Arab media, from Al Jazeera, of supposed footage from an Israeli army dog attacking a woman in bed. In fact, Hamas kidnapped the dog before killing him and booby-trapping his body to kill any soldiers attempting to retrieve him.)

The Algerian article accompanying the includes a short essay that says:
These are the roots of Jewish arrogance.

Written by: Abdullah Al-Mashoukhi - Palestinian Academic

The arrogance of the Jews is deeply rooted in their souls throughout their history. They see themselves as superior to humans, as the sons and beloved of God, and that Paradise is exclusively theirs, without the rest of the people. God has chosen them and favored them over all the worlds. Therefore, they look at others with contempt and disdain.

Because of this superior view, they have no problem in making permissible the shedding of the blood of others, including women and children, and dealing with usury with non-Jews. Rather, they permit stealing from them, as Israel Shahak mentioned when he said: “Jewish law has permitted the Jew to steal the property of non-Jews.”

This perverted superiority was not linked to a generation, but rather it is deeply rooted and inherited across all generations, and the secret behind that is its connection to corrupt doctrinal texts from their distorted holy books; therefore, it is not surprising that the Jews view the Palestinians as animals who do not deserve life ....
Algeria, which has a long history of antisemitism in its newspapers, is in the lead this week for most antisemitic media.

But there are plenty of days to go.

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