
Tuesday, June 11, 2024

AJC poll shows Biden has lost 19% of Jewish voters who supported him in 2020; fewer Jews say being Jewish is important to them

The American Jewish Committee has released the results of a survey of American Jews. 

They held similar surveys in previous election years, so it is worthwhile to compare some results.

In the 2020 poll 75% said they would likely support Biden against Trump. Now, that number has slipped to only 61%, a loss of 19% of his Jewish supporters from 2020.

Interestingly, Trump's support is nearly the same, going from 22% to 23%. 

Equally interestingly, Biden's 61% is exactly the same as Hilary Clinton's 61% support vs. 19% for Trump in 2016.

The most alarming result is the continued loss of American Jews who care about Judaism. Here are the results from the polls in 2016, 2020 and 2024 to the question of how important being Jewish is to Jews:

The percentage of Jews who feel being Jewish is not important to them went up from 21% to 29%, and the number of Jews who feel being Jewish is very important to them has been steadily dropping. 

This despite the findings that more Jews feel connected to their Jewish identity since October 7. 

Also, while many Orthodox Jews congratulate themselves both on the ba'al teshuva movement and their higher birthrate than other Jews, the percentage of Jews who identify as Orthodox has actually slightly decreased, from 9% in 2016 and 2020 to 8% today. We see places like Lakewood booming in size, but that means that we are losing even Orthodox Jews elsewhere. Perhaps the Orthodox movements should also think about "inreach" and not only outreach. 

As we've shown, Jews who don't care about their religion are unlikely to care about Israel. And almost certainly the vast majority of Jews who claim to oppose Israel, like "Jewish Voice for Peace,"  are Jews in name only, who use their vestigial Jewishness to attack Israel but for no other purpose.

The ignorant Jewish protesters want to join a cause that is bigger than them. The fact that their own heritage is not even on their radar is perhaps the biggest problem facing American Jews today. 

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