
Thursday, May 23, 2024

UNRWA makes absurd accusations, every day

UNRWA tweeted earlier this week:

"'It is not a technical issue to get people fed. It's a political issue – unfortunately, yet again, in the midst of this politics, it's the people of Gaza' who continue to suffer, UNRWA's  Sam Rose tells  RTE."

A day later they tweeted, "As a result of the ongoing military operation in eastern Rafah the UNRWA  distribution centre and WFP warehouse, both in Rafah, are now inaccessible. Food distributions in Rafah, southern Gaza, are currently suspended due to lack of supplies and insecurity."

Yet, as the IDF COGAT unit chided them, other organizations have managed to get aid into Rafah:

Remarkably, other humanitarian NGOs and the private sector have been bringing in food trucks and distributing in Rafah and the rest of Gaza. 

Maybe you should reconsider calling yourselves “the backbone of humanitarian aid in Gaza” since others are able to do what you cannot.
Indeed, COGAT has coordinated  hundreds of truckloads of food every day this week while UNRWA insists it cannot get any. 

If there is a political component, it is UNRWA's desire not to cooperate with COGAT.

That was not the only absurd UNRWA claim recently. Honest Reporting reports:

A May 13 broadcast of Your Morning, a CTV program, interviewed Louise Wateridge of UNRWA, the disgraced United Nations agency with ties to Palestinian terrorism, for her thoughts on Israel’s counter-terrorism operations in the Gaza region of Rafah.

The segment entitled: “Humanitarian corridor desperately needed in Rafah,” featured Wateridge telling her host that Israel’s recent evacuation order in Rafah, which informed civilians in the area of Israel’s expected military operations, had “caused panic and anxiety” among the population.

Wateridge described the mood in Rafah as “eerie” and “scary,” adding that “the speed at which people have had to flee for their lives is something I struggle to explain.”

What Wateridge struggled to explain is in actuality quite straightforward: Israel’s providing of advance warning of counter-terrorism operations represents a laudable and virtually unheard-of step among militaries, which is aimed at minimizing civilian casualties in an urban warzone, even as Hamas, the genocidal Islamic terrorist group, aims to maximize civilian deaths by using Gazans as human shields.

Despite heavy fighting between Israel and Hamas terrorists in Rafah, the last major holdout of the group in Gaza, Wateridge said that “we are not evacuating Rafah,” a statement which on the surface appears noble and even perhaps brave, but in actuality is reckless and irresponsible.

Rather than helping Gaza’s civilians find safety elsewhere, UNRWA is deliberately keeping them in an active warzone.
UNRWA really is worse than useless.

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