
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Spain has a Nasty Habit of Expelling Jews (Judean Rose)

Expulsion of the Jews from Seville, oil on canvas, Joaquín Turina y Areal

Disclaimer: the views expressed here are solely those of the author, weekly Judean Rose columnist Varda Meyers Epstein.

Spain has a nasty habit of expelling Jews. First from Spain, then from Portugal, and now, most recently, from Israel, the Jewish State. The Jews were informed of the coming expulsion by way of a televised speech given by Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez. Jews are to be expelled from Judea, Samaria, and the Western Wall, and the Temple Mount, among other places. With the Arabs to be ensconced there, in their stead.

The last time around, Spain expelled the Jews because they wouldn’t accept Jesus Christ as their lord and savior. This time it’s because they want the Jews violently crushed; pushed into the sea; and eliminated, once and for all. Spanish Deputy Prime Minister Yolanda Diaz made this clear, made Spain’s intentions clear when she declared, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free,” in a video she published on May 24, for public consumption.

 The expulsion of the Jews from Spain was one thing. At least then, in 1492, Spain was expelling the Jews from sovereign Spanish territory. They didn’t want the Jews; they didn’t like the Jews; they wanted to punish the Jews, so they ousted them from their country.

Not that they did it nicely. According to the Jewish Virtual Library, the expulsion was rough and many Jews did not survive:

Tens of thousands of refugees died while trying to reach safety. In some instances, Spanish ship captains charged Jewish passengers exorbitant sums, then dumped them overboard in the middle of the ocean. In the last days before the expulsion, rumors spread throughout Spain that the fleeing refugees had swallowed gold and diamonds, and many Jews were knifed to death by brigands hoping to find treasures in their stomachs.

The Alhambra edict of expulsion

But at least in 1492, Spain expelled Jews from its own sovereign territory: Spain. Today, in 2024, Spain is spearheading an expulsion of the Jews from territory not its own. This time, Spain is expelling Jews from the sovereign State of Israel, holy indigenous Jewish land.

The Grand Inquisitor friar Tomás de Torquemada in 1492 offers to the Catholic Monarchs the Edict of expulsion of the Jews from Spain for their signature. Oil on canvas, Emilio Sala y Francés (1889)

All of Israel is holy to the Jews, of course. But Jerusalem is the holiest of holy Jewish real estate, and Spain is not Israel. Spain doesn’t get to decide that Israel is now “Palestine.” The Spanish prime minister doesn’t get to declare that Jews can no longer pray at the Western Wall or visit the Temple Mount—even if 140 other countries have already declared it so. Even if all the countries in the world declare it so. It doesn’t matter. This is land that will always belong to the Jews.

Yet here Spain is, declaring that it now recognizes Judea, the place from whence the Jews hail, the place that gave the Jews their name, as “Palestine.” Here is Spain, saying that from now on “East” Jerusalem is really “Palestine.” Here Spain is, stealing Jewish indigenous territory and giving it to terrorists who have promised not to stop massacring Jews until all of them are dead—it’s in their charter.

It’s surreal the way Spain and its cohorts have cut up and parceled out bits of the holy unified capital of Israel to the very people who beheaded Jewish infants, raped Jewish women, and burned families alive in their homes a short time ago. It’s not as if anyone can deny these things happened (though they do). The perpetrators proudly recorded it all for posterity with their GoPro cameras.

From PMW: "Following Norway, Ireland, and Spain’s recognition of a Palestinian state last week, PA Chairman Abbas’ Fatah Movement published the above cartoon. It shows exactly what
'Palestine' the PA and Fatah say, the European countries endorsed. 
"The cartoon shows 'Palestine' having replaced the entire State of Israel and the PA areas. The map is formed by three arms painted in the colors of the flags of the three European countries. The 'Norwegian' arm writes the word 'Palestine,' the 'Irish' arm waves a Palestinian flag, while the 'Spanish' hand makes a V-sign with its fingers, signifying 'victory.'”

Here is the key point that Spain will need to absorb: Israel. Doesn’t. Belong. To. Spain. Israel also doesn’t belong to Ireland, or Norway, or to any of the other 140 countries that, according to Pedro Sanchez, have already decided that Israel has no claim to its own sovereign Israeli territory.

And yet, Israel is a sovereign country. Spain, Norway, Ireland—and the others chiming in—not one of them has the right to declare “Palestine” on land that belongs to others—it’s pure hubris—but the world especially has no right to “recognize” Palestine on Israeli soil, and certainly not after the atrocities of October 7, and while Israeli hostages are yet being starved, raped, and tortured by the very people recognized by Spain et al., as the new owners of Jewish Israeli land.

We don’t want these Hamas and Hamas-loving people next to us or near us, especially when 71 percent of them still think October 7 was “correct.” Give them Madrid, Dublin, or Oslo—territory that belongs to you and your ilk—you deserve them.

Once upon a time, in Spain, the Jews had no agency. But in Israel, now, we do. It’s our land, and you are not the boss of it. You have no say over our territory. And you surely will not push us into the sea. 

On a lighter note, I would be remiss in not finding a way to work in the following classic Inquisition-themed comedy clips. Only Mel Brooks or Monty Python could get away with this--only they would see the Inquisition as comedy gold. (Viewer Discretion Advised)

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