
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Rafah tragedy apparently came from secondary explosions of Hamas weapons following Israeli airstrike 100 meters away

The deaths of civilians in Rafah on Sunday night apparently came from Hamas explosives that were ignited by the Israeli airstrike.

JNS reports:
Shrapnel from an Israeli strike in Rafah on Sunday night may have ignited a fuel tank, starting a fire that engulfed tents housing displaced Gazans and leading to dozens of noncombatant deaths, Israeli officials have told the Biden administration.

A U.S. official told CNN that according to the Israelis, a precision munition was used in the strike.

“We can’t confirm that but it’s what Israel shared with us,” the official said, adding that “we assume we will learn more once Israel completes its investigation.”

ABC News cited a U.S. official as saying that the fuel tank was located around 100 meters (330 feet) from the area targeted in the airstrike.
How could shrapnel travel the distance of a football field when Israel is careful to calibrate its airstrikes to avoid peripheral damage?

This video of the vehicle that was targeted, discovered by Abu Ali Express, explains it all.

The attached video, captured by a Gazan resident in the immediate aftermath of the attack, provides crucial insights. The speaker claims that the IDF targeted a Hamas jeep loaded with ammunition and weapons. Starting at 00:21, secondary explosions can be observed, indicating the presence of additional weaponry. The speaker voices his fear of a Hamas rocket flying at them, implying the presence of rockets at the site.
You can see the secondary explosions at 0:21, 0.24 and 0.31. 

It appears that the Hamas leaders were transporting munitions near the camp. A rocket or mortar from the jeep could easily travel 100 meters. 

If true, the immediate assumptions that this was Israel's fault is yet another example of the world rushing to judgment, despite a track record throughout the war of the IDF telling the truth and Hamas lying and exaggerating  about every single incident in Gaza. 

The only mistake that the IDF made was not knowing the precise contents of the weapons in the vehicle. 

The fact that the jeep was a valid and important  military target is indisputable. The fact that it was a significant distance away from civilians is indisputable. Would any other army in the world have avoided the strike because of the small chance that the terrorists were  transporting weapons? That is a standard that no fighting force could possibly live up to. 

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