
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

"Jewish Voice for Peace" ignoramuses think Israel scheduled Yom HaAtzmaut to coincide with "Nakba Day" this year

Here is a tweet from "Jewish Voice for Peace:"

Yes, they are really claiming that Israel scheduled its holidays to obscure Nakba Day!

The truth is the opposite: Nakba Day (first declared in 1998)  was created to coincide with the anniversary of Israel's independence in 1948. If "Nakba" means "catastrophe," then why not choose the date of the Deir Yassin incident or the date that Arabs fled their homes in Jaffa?  No, the Nakba is Israel's existence, not anything that happened to Palestinian Arabs in 1948.

But JVP's idiocy only begins there.

Yom Hashoah's date was chosen in 1959. The original desire was to have it coincide with the beginning of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising but that was the even of Passover to it was moved to a week after Passover. 

Israel's Yom HaZikaron does not celebrate "Israeli militarism." Created in 1951 and enacted into law in 1963, it is a remembrance of all those who fell in Israel's wars and Arab terror attacks, including thousands of civilians. JVP, of course, doesn't give a damn about them.

And, most incredibly, JVP does not seem to understand that Israel uses the Hebrew calendar! This year the Hebrew date of Yom HaAtzmaut coincided with the secular date of Israel's independence, though that doesn't usually happen.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at how a group that writes Hebrew backwards doesn't know the basics about Israel or Judaism, even if they throw the word "Jewish" in their name.

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