
Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Egyptians must control the media, because no one is criticizing Egypt

The pattern is a little too consistent.

If you get your news from mainstream non-Israeli news sources, you wouldn't know that:

* Israel is transferring more aid into Gaza every day than was sent in before the Rafah operation

* Egypt has refused to send over 650 truckloads of aid via Kerem Shalom, instead letting it rot on the  Egyptian side.

* Egypt's refusal to open the Rafah border crossing has stopped hundreds of Palestinians from getting medical help.

* Even beforehand, Egypt blocked thousands of Gazans who needed to go abroad for medical attention

* Egypt took in hundreds of thousands of refugees from Syria, Sudan, Ethiopia, Yemen and elsewhere. It only refuses Palestinians.

* The only Gazans who have managed to flee are those who have paid exorbitant bribes to a shady organization with ties to Egypt's president, plus well over a thousand injured Hamas terrorists. (I've seen this covered in Arabic media far more than in Western media!)

Why don't most people know these facts? Why is the media treating Egypt with kid gloves?

It isn't like the news media loves Egypt. Egypt is a serious human rights violator and gets criticized in other contexts.

It must be that Egypt controls the media!

How else do you explain that the only place that this story was published was in Israel:
A senior Biden administration official briefing reporters offers very rare criticism of Egypt over what they said was Cairo’s withholding of UN humanitarian assistance from Gaza.

“What should be going into Kerem Shalom is the UN assistance, which is now in Egypt. Egypt is holding that back until the Rafah crossing situation settles out,” the senior administration official says.

“We do not believe that aid should be held back for any reason whatsoever. Kerem Shalom is open. The Israelis have it open. And that aid should be going through Kerem Shalom,” the official adds.
There were reporters, pluralhearing this. Not one, outside Times of Israel, evidently felt this was worth reporting on.

Egypt must control the media!

Or, just maybe, the news media has a narrative of unparalleled Israeli evil, and reporting on how Egypt is abusing Gazans while cynically pretending to care about them takes away from that story. 

We are all being misled by news sites, NGOs and politicians who are eager to criticize Israel and reticent to say anything negative about Egypt (or Jordan and the PA, both of whom also refuse to accept Gaza refugees.) 

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Read all about it here!