
Thursday, September 07, 2023

Mahmoud Abbas' spokesman condemns....people who condemn his antisemitism

From the official Palestinian Authority Wafa news agency:

 Nabil Abu Rudeineh, spokesman for President Mahmoud Abbas, said today that what was recently attributed to President Mahmoud Abbas in a television program regarding the Jewish issue was a quotation from writings of Jewish, American and other historians and authors.

If a Jew says it, that's a "get out of jail free" card for antisemitism! No wonder so many antisemitic Jews are so popular! 

He affirmed that these remarks do not constitute denial in any way of the Nazi Holocaust.

No, merely justification for it. 

Abu Rudeineh emphasized that “President Mahmoud Abbas's position on this matter is clear and unwavering, which is a full condemnation of the Nazi Holocaust and a rejection of anti-Semitism.”

Yeah. Sure. 

We express our strong condemnation and outrage at this frenzied campaign [against President Mahmoud Abbas] for just quoting academic and historical quotations,” said Abu Rudeineh in reference to an outcry of international reactions over misinterpreting of the President's remarks.
And there you go. Abbas has nothing to apologize for - it is the people offended by his obvious Jew-hatred who are wrong!

This is Israel's "peace partner."

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