
Thursday, May 11, 2023

You know how Israel haters like to say Palestinians are like Native Americans? They used to say that about Jews!

In recent times, it has become fashionable for Israel haters to claim that Palestinians are the natives of the region and Jews are the outsiders who violently took over the land.

But opponents of Israel didn't always make that argument. They used to make the opposite one!

From Brooklyn-based Arab Christian newspaper "Caravan" in 1956:

Here, the Arab argument was that everyone knows the Jews are indigenous, just like American Indians - and the idea that they should be able to return to their land is as absurd as allowing native Americans to take over the areas they were ethnically cleansed from.

If the exact opposite argument is used for the same purpose, it is obvious that the arguments are props. Hate for Jews is what animates these people to make their arguments, but even they don't believe them. 

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