
Monday, April 11, 2022

The UN refuses to reveal which Palestinian organizations it meets with - and strategizes with

In last month's UN Division for Palestinian Rights Bulletin on Action by UN System and Intergovernmental Organizations Relevant to the Question of Palestine, the first item was "Closed consultations with civil society organizations convened by the Palestinian Rights Committee."

This means that a series of Palestinian (and other) anti-Israel NGOs held a meeting with the UN - but unlike virtually all UN meetings, it was not open to the public.

The names of these organizations are not listed in the report on the meeting. All we see are how closely the UN works with unnamed Israel haters.

The report emphasizes how close the UN is to these organizations:

[T]he objective of the Committee's engagement with civil society was to harness their potential in the OPT, Israel and elsewhere to promote its mandate through strengthened cooperation, including joint activities and exchange of information. 

Its mandate includes destroying the Jewish state via the "right to return."

These unnamed civil society organizations are heavily involved in making Sheikh Jarrah Judenrein. It also includes Orwellian lies:

Addressing the impact of the #Savesheikhjarrah campaign and local committees' activism, participants underlined the two layers of the Sheikh Jarrah issue. The first pertained to the neighbourhood itself, whereas another layer concerned the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel’s occupation here was characterized as “a story of resistance” that brought about new leaders and creative approaches to confront oppression. Furthermore, it was stressed that East Jerusalem belonged to everyone, and that Palestinians had always been very keen to protect its religious and cultural diversity.

Really? The 19 years that Palestinians and Jordanians controlled the Old City, and current statements by Palestinian leaders that all of "Al Aqsa" belongs to them including the Western Wall, and that the Jewish Quarter's residents are illegal settlers, seems to indicate the exact opposite. 

Any claims that the UN is non-partisan are quite easily disproven here. 

But beyond that, there is a clear desire by the UN to keep the names of the NGOs it partners with a secret. (And they did this before Israel declared several "civil society organizations" terrorist, so that isn't the reason.)

People who care about transparency in the UN should be asking why this is. If organizations are important enough to help decide UN policy, shouldn't everyone know who they are?



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