
Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Jordan's Muslim Brotherhood warns against Jew cooties

The term "Jew cooties" was created by Meryl Yourish in 2005 to describe how Arabs and Muslims would treat anything remotely associated with Jews or Israel as dangerous and infectious.  (Ironically, her first example - of Dubai rejecting Israeli medical equipment - no longer applies.)

The Observer General of the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, Abdul Hamid Al-Thneibat, just issued a statement saying that "the Islamic movement will carry out its duty and play its role in confronting normalization with the Zionist entity and containing its repercussions, and immunizing our Jordanian people and the peoples of the nation from being penetrated by its thought, awareness and culture."

Thneibat bitterly complained, "During the past months, we have rushed into projects of normalization with the occupation through the water and electricity exchange agreement, and a number of leaders of the occupying entity have desecrated the pure land of Jordan."

The Muslim Brotherhood of Jordan is really afraid of infection by Jewish thoughts, Jewish culture and anyone treating Israeli Jews as human beings. 

It is reminiscent of Nazi antisemitic propaganda that compared Jews to lice that spread typhus. Which is, after all, the same thinking behind BDS to begin with - to treat everything "Israeli" as contaminated and not to be touched.

Not surprisingly, the group - which insists that it is non-violent - applauds Palestinians murdering Jews.

"The recent heroic operations that the occupied Palestinian territories witnessed in the 1948 lands and in the West Bank during the past days, express the unity of the Palestinian people in the various locations of their presence on the resistance program," he said.



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