
Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Palestinian Authority mourns three terrorists

After Israel's shooting of three known Fatah terrorists in Nablus yesterday, the Palestinian Authority has made it crystal clear that they support the terrorists.

They put out posters to make them look like ordinary people:

But there are other photos of the three posing with weapons:

It is no secret that they were terrorists. The Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade has said so very publicly. Their obituary praised them as being part of "a tireless march of struggle and jihad" and called them "heroic fighters who were not discouraged by all adversities from continuing to fight the enemy."

They had been responsible for several shooting attacks in recent weeks,

Yet members of the Palestinian Central Council publicly recited the Surat Al-Fatihah for the souls of the three terrorists.

There is no question whose side the "moderate" Palestinian Authority is on.