
Sunday, February 06, 2022

A boy dies in a well in Morocco. Palestinians want the story to be about them!

Palestinians really hate when there are any news stories that don't put them at the center. 

For the past five days, the Arab world and then the world at large held its breath, hoping that a five year old boy named Rayan would be rescued from the well that he had fallen down last Tuesday.

Unfortunately, today we found out that he did not survive.

The official Palestinian newspaper Al Hayat published an op-ed by Dr. Jamal Abdel Nasser Mohammed Abdullah Abu Nahl, President of the National Center for Palestinian Scholars, on the story.

After perfunctorily saying that Rayan's death was a tragedy and he's really sorry, he said that famous "but..." that Palestinians and their supporters love to add. Rayan suffered...but what about Palestinians?

Palestinians have people in Israeli prisons - and they did nothing wrong, only killing Jews for defending their dignity! Rayan's mother may be mourning, but what about Palestinian mothers of martyrs?

Thousands like Rayan were martyred, he says, and their pure blood remains a living witness to the crimes, fascism, Nazism, barbarism, racism and sadism of the usurping occupation gang of Palestine; the usurping Jews who do not want peace or harmony! And even as Jews are killing thousands of Rayans, Arab nations like Morocco are normalizing relations with the hated Zionist entity!

It is because of articles like this that the Arab world recognizes that Palestinians have no empathy, no concern for the rest of the Arab world. They demand the Arab and Muslim worlds keep their issue at the top of every agenda, and even a child who is tragically lost is simply another story to twist into ensuring that no suffering is considered as bad as Palestinian suffering. 

This is while Palestinians have a standard of living and health that is on par with most Arab nations and better than many. 

Palestinians are the most self-absorbed people on Earth. And Arabs are getting mighty disgusted with it.