
Tuesday, November 02, 2021

Terrorist organizations write letter to Queen Elizabeth to rescind the Balfour Declaration, because it is immoral

Leaders from Islamic Jihad, the PFLP, the DFLP and the PLO wrote a letter to Queen Elizabeth II demanding that she "wash away the shame of the fateful Balfour Declaration."

Islamic Jihad leader Ahmed Al-Mudallal described the Balfour Declaration as a big sin that will continue to shame Britain as long as Israel exists.

The terror leader whose group is proud of murdering hundreds of Jews says that the whole world is experiencing "instability and insecurity" as a result of "the continuation of this occupation caused by the Balfour Declaration."

Member of the Central Committee of the murderous Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Iyad Awadallah, said that the declaration wa a "crime against humanity."

A leader of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist group, Mahmoud Khalaf,  said, "Britain, with this promise, has made a historical mistake, and it is time for it to atone for it, admit its guilt and apologize to the Palestinian people for giving the land of Palestine to the Jews to establish an alleged state on it." He added: "For 104 years we have been striving for the end of the occupation and the enjoyment of the establishment of a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital." 

His knowledge of history is a little lacking.

A member of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Tayseer Khaled, said, "The British promise is fundamentally invalid" and called for launching the 'Palestinian Holocaust' museum project "in order to break the silence of the international community on the crimes committed by the British occupation on Palestine and its Zionist colonial tool."

I'm not sure if these terrorist leaders broke out in a chorus of "Kaybar, Khaybar al-Yahud" after expressing their concern for human rights and fairness.