
Friday, November 26, 2021

Palestinians more and more alarmed at Israeli agreements with Arab countries

The pace of normalization between Israel and Arab countries is, if anything accelerating. 

This week we saw Israel and Morocco signing a security deal, Israel's former defense minister “Bogie” Ya’alon announced  a new Israeli-owned venture capital fund in the UAE, American Jewish leaders are openly visiting Gulf leaders, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem wrote an op-ed in the Khaleej Times, and Qatar reached an agreement with Israel for the diamond trade, allowing Israeli companies to open there.

Any one of these would have front page news two years ago. Now they are happening every day.

Palestinians are alarmed at losing their Arab patrons, who for so many years they were able to bully in the name of "Arab unity." 

This cartoon in Felesteen shows this antipathy with an illustration that would be considered very positive for Israel and very negative for Palestinians.

The caption says "Security and economic agreements with the occupation."