
Friday, November 12, 2021

Great Britain answering Muslim lies about Palestine in 1936

In 1936, an Indian Muslim group sent a letter to the British Viceroy there accusing Great Britain of anti-Arab behavior in Palestine.

This Palestine Post article doesn't quote the original letter, but the response summarizes the wild accusations. More importantly, it refutes some lies that have remained even 85 years later.

First of all, although the letter doesn't say it explicitly, it broadly implies that Arab immigration to Palestine - non-existent before 1919 - had exploded after Jews arrived, with the Arab population increasing by over 50% in only 14 years - and most of those Arabs moved to be near Jews and the booming economy that the Jews brought.

Secondly, the response notes that rather than Jewish farming taking away from Arab farming yields, the size of Arab citrus fields more than doubled in four years. Again, this was probably due to improved farming techniques and increased opportunities for export.