
Friday, May 07, 2021

Iranian "Quds Day" video portrays victims of Syrian bombs and chemical attacks as Palestinian children

Iran's Tasnim news agency, which has ties to Iran's Revolutionary Guards, highlights a video for Quds Day today.

It starts off showing Iranian children, and then a quick montage of about 20 photos of children suffering in war. The Iranian children then piece together an oversized jigsaw puzzle with those photos of injured children to make a large Palestinian flag under the landmark Azadi Tower in Tehran.

The montage starts at 0:21:

Most of the photos of suffering or injured children I could identify are of Syrian children - suffering under the Iranian-backed Assad regime. (At least one was from the aftermath of an ISIS attack, there may be some from Yemen as well.)

I couldn't verify a single photo as being of Palestinian children.

Somehow, I don't think they really care about Palestinian children.