
Monday, December 07, 2020

UAE to import Israeli goods from Judea and Samaria

The good news keeps getting better and better:
Settler companies that produce wine, tahini, olive oil and honey have signed a deal with the Dubai distribution company FAM Holding, to export their products to the United Arab Emirates, the Samaria Regional Council announced on Monday.

Israeli companies have signed agreements with the Emirates even before a normalization deal was signed between their two governments in September and ratified in October.

But Monday’s agreements mark the first such agreement to export settler goods to the UAE.

FAM Holding is in talks with other Israeli companies and is excited to sign deals to expand the business cooperation between the two countries, he said.

Among the wineries that signed deals to export to the UAE are Tura Winery, the Har Bracha Winery and the Arnon Winery, as well as Paradise Honey.

This is like a dream. 

And it isn't like the UAE hates Palestinians.  As I noted earlier, the UAE was working with Israel to import the Russian COVID-19 vaccine into the PA-controlled areas. 


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