
Friday, May 08, 2020

"Jewish Voice for Peace" calls Israeli innovation "dirty tech" - while tweeting from an iPhone partially designed and built in Israel

I knew this would happen.

The socialist Israel-hating Left, pretending to be moral, looked at the New York Times article I mentioned this morning (great article, awful tweet) and declared that any Israeli innovations used to fight and control the coronavirus is "dirty tech" - because the Israeli defense industry is helping coordinate lots of different public and private initiatives to defeat COVID-19.

Imagine. "Jewish Voice for Peace" hates Israel SO MUCH that they would rather not see Israel come up with tools to fight the pandemic. They would never use such "dirty tech" even if it can save their lives. Now, that's conviction!

But wait...what's this? They tweeted their principled message from their iPhone.

Apple's iPhone is partially designed and assembled in Israel, by Israelis who have been in - gasp! - the IDF!

But JVP, like all hypocrites, tell everyone else what moral standards they need to live up to. Just like the BDSers who use Israel's Wix to design their webpages, Just like the (supposed) founder of BDS going to Tel Aviv University.

Their pretense of morality is for others, not for them, if it inconveniences their lives at all. That'a why they make a big deal over boycotting Sabra hummus and Caterpillar tractors and high end linens - because those are easy to boycott without any sacrifice.

Not exactly the Gandhis they pretend to be.

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