
Thursday, May 07, 2020

How Israel haters lie with facts, part 2956

Here's a hugely misleading tweet from the always reliably dishonest Ben White:

The implication, of course, is that Israelis wouldn't take care of Palestinian health needs.

As White undoubtedly knows, every nation - and the Palestinian Authority is included in this -is responsible for its own COVID-19 battle. This is necessary for keeping track of the statistics and keeping things consistent within every country. So, yes, while Israel can and does provide tests to Palestinian medical officials to use, they will not and should not test Palestinians for the virus.

However, Israelis - and "settlers" - provide medical services to Palestinians all the time. The clinic in Efrat is famous for this, and Ariel also provides services to the Arabs that want to use them. I'm sure there are others.

This article about a right-wing Orthodox Israeli doctor who treats Arab patients all the time, even traveling to Arab communities to meet patients, is something that White would never mention - because he wants to only push his agenda of half-truths.

This paragraph says it all:

But with Glick and his Palestinian patients, there is a human connection that goes beyond the usual marketplace relationship, if still under specific circumstances. “Mwa! The doctor is a blessing,” says one 72-year-old hijab-wearing woman, who suffers from chronic pain as a result of her diabetes. (To avoid retribution from the Palestinian Authority [PA], Glick’s patients and associates in Palestine spoke only on condition of anonymity.) The grandmother, who worked in a kitchen in Efrat for more than 25 years, expresses no antipathy toward the settlements. “Efrat has been nothing but good to us,” she says.
It isn't that Jewish medical experts refuse to care for Palestinian patients, as White disgustingly implies. It is the Palestinian Authority that doesn't want their people to visit the Jewish doctors! Palestinians are fearful to publicly visit Jewish doctors because the Palestinian Authority might punish them.

That says volumes.

The truth, as always, is the exact opposite of that the haters say.

(h/t iTi)

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