
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

An easy test to see if one is pro-Palestinian or anti-Israel

The UN's OCHA-OPT weekly COVID-19 report says:
Following agreement between the Palestinian and Israeli authorities, over ten thousand Palestinian labourers crossed into Israel from the West Bank on 3 May. They are part of an estimated 40,000 labourers who have been granted permits to stay in Israel until the end of Ramadan. As part of the agreement, Israeli employers will be responsible for the accommodation of their workers, while the Israeli authorities will provide workers with health insurance, as well as protective masks and gloves.
Yes, Israel is providing health insurance for Palestinian workers.

If there is any non-Israel issue that the anti-Israel Left agrees on, it is universal health care. If they really care about Palestinians they should be very happy about this news that provides a safety net for those who need work and must go to Israel.

Haaretz reported last week that the Israeli Health Ministry issued a a directive already on March 24 requiring the  Israeli employers to arrange for health care coverage for those Palestinians who decided to stay in Israel to continue to work. Soon they all went home anyway because the PA demanded it.

It looks like the employers are not all following the directive, so - based on this UN report - it looks like the Israeli government itself is ensuring that Palestinian workers have health insurance.

Even so, the ministry issued the order based on its own judgment of what is the right thing to do -  not because of pressure from critics of Israel.

This is how a moral society works.

And this is why you will not hear a word about this from the people who claim to be pro-Palestinian. Because they want to find things to blame on Israel. They want to see Israel treating Palestinians poorly.

Palestinians, as always, are pawns to those who pretend to support them. And the proof is the lack of coverage of the remarkable fact that Israel is providing the most socialist of benefits to people who declare themselves to be Israel's enemy.

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