
Wednesday, January 22, 2020

After international pressure, Israel allowing earth moving equipment into Gaza

Ma'an reports that Israel today allowed five pieces of earth moving equipment into Gaza after four years of refusals.

The equipment is meant to be used by the Coastal Municipalities Water Utility.

The vehicles, valued at $876,350, were purchased in 2015 with funding from the World Bank within the Gaza Water and Sanitation Systems Improvement Project.

The UNDP negotiated with Israel and an agreement was struck where Israel equipped the vehicles with GPS systems to ensure that they are used only on water projects and not for Hamas to dig tunnels.

Whether that control will be effective is anyone's guess. I don't know what would stop Hamas from simply removing the GPS units at night, digging tunnels and then returning the equipment. Drones would see if the vehicles are moving through Gaza, though.

Ironically, the equipment is from Caterpillar, the company that Israel haters want the world to boycott.

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