
Thursday, November 28, 2019

News you won't read anywhere else: Israel issued another 1200 work permits for Gazans in October

Buried in the middle of this factsheet from OCHA-OPT:

 We see:

Israel has now issued 4,811 permits for Gaza workers to go into Israel.

In September, the number was 3,592.

One would think that the NGOs that constantly say that Israel do more to help open up Gaza would be very happy. But for some reason, nobody has heard of these 3000 or so new work permits since December. Gisha, the NGO that specifically tracks movement into and out of Gaza has not written a word about this that I can find.

Israel Hayom wrote about this in October, saying that this seems to have been part of an Egyptian-brokered Gaza cease fire last year. But COGAT and Israeli officials aren't commenting.

So news that the world would seemingly consider good goes unreported.

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