Palestine Today has an article about Joseph's Tomb in Schchem (Nablus) and how the semi-regular Jewish pilgrims that visit the site have "turned it into a place that spreads death and blackness to the villagers" who live nearby.
Jews cannot visit without an army escort because otherwise they'd be lynched.
The article goes through a history of the site, saying that Palestinians are divided between believing that it is the tomb of the Biblical Joseph or of an Arab named Yusuf Dweikat.
It quotes a researcher of archeology from An-Najah National University named Louai Abu al-Saud. Al Saud.
Abu Al-Saud did not deny or confirm that the "Prophet Joseph" is buried in this grave, but he said that in case that is proven - from an archeological point of view - that this grave is the grave of Joseph, "then we Palestinians, as Arabs and Muslims, are worthier of ownership of it than the Jews."
Palestinianism is now a replacement theology for Judaism.
(h/t Ibn Botrous)