
Tuesday, August 07, 2018

Fatah honors Hamas "martyrs" - but implies they were civilians

From YNet:

The IDF attacked with tank fire a Hamas position near Beit Lahiya in the northern Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing two members of the terror group's military wing.

The Hamas fighters opened fire at IDF soldiers, prompting retaliatory tank fire. The Gaza Ministry of Health provided a different version, reporting a drone strike. No Israeli troops were hurt in the incident.

The Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades identified the killed fighters as Ahmed Mourjan and Abdel Hafez al-Silawi, both 23 years old.
The Fatah Facebook page immediately put up a graphic showing the "martyrs" - but didn't identify them as Hamas fighters. They implied that they were innocent civilians.

The caption says "Martyrs Abdul Hafez Al-Silawi and Ahmad Marjan, 23 years old, who were bombarded by bombing in the northern Gaza strip just earlier."

Hamas' photos of Marjan and Silawi look a little different:

Truth is really quite optional for Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah party.

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