
Friday, August 03, 2018

Arab media leaks supposed Hamas/Israel truce plan

Palestine Today reports that sources close to Hamas have leaked the details of the Hamas-Israel truce to the newspaper Al-Akhbar.

According to the report, the agreement involves a a five-year truce that will be implemented in stages.

The first phase, which will begin within a week, is to end the arson kites, incendiary balloons, and attempts to breach the Gaza fence in return for the reopening of the Kerem Shalom crossing and a permanent opening of the Rafah crossing (meaning that Egypt is part of the plans as well.)

In two months there would be talks about a prisoner exchange, presumably both for the Israelis held in Gaza and the remains of soldiers.

No more details were given.

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu was said to have canceled his trip to Colombia in order to discuss this plan, which was pushed by United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Nikolai Mladenov.

According to the newspaper, there is fear of the reaction of the Palestinian Authority, which may impede the truce. The story said that Egypt threatened the PA saying if they continue to stop paying salaries to Gazans and other anti-Gaza moves then the plan will go on without them, marginalizing their role on the world stage.

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