
Sunday, October 08, 2017

Some 2014 Pallywood scenes of Al Quds University sports practice

I have finished reading The Anti-Israel Agenda, Inside the Political War on the Jewish State, edited by Alex Ryvchin

A book review is forthcoming, but I wanted to look up something that Seth Frantzman, op-ed editor at the Jerusalem Post,  wrote in his chapter on media bias.

An essay by James Estrin in the Times in 2014 claimed to show a Palestinian girl throwing a javelin at Al Quds University with the Israeli security barrier in the background. This writer happens to teach at Al Quds University and in four years there has never seen javelin practice conducted in the area in which the photo was taken. The photographer created a perfect political backdrop to suggest that Palestinians cannot practice javelin except under the shadow of an Israeli wall.

Here is the article and the photo:

The story doesn't end there.

The New York Times article was written in January 2014. By March, Getty Images decided that the same wall was a perfect backdrop not only for its own staged scenes of javelin throwing, but also for shot-put and running.

Does anyone actually think that they practice running on a field with rocks and weeds that could injure them?

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