
Friday, July 07, 2017

They keep forgetting to say "Zionists" instead of "Jews"

For several decades, Arabs and Muslims have followed  the rule: if you want to avoid being called an antisemite, simply replace the word "Jew' with "Zionist" and your opinion magically changes from naked bigotry into acceptable political discourse.

For example, saying that Jews control the media and the banks and world governments is antiemitic, but saying that "Zionists" have unfair influence over the media and the monetary system and nations is a perfectly valid observation.

But sometimes, people forget the rule.

So for example, yesterday the Kuwait Sheikhs and Preachers Association issued a statement that called against any normalization with Israel. (The fact that they feel compelled to issue such a statement is itself a sign of how much things have changed in the past couple of years.)

"Jews have committed massacres against the Muslims in Palestine and and are hatching plots against the Umma," the statement said, adding that "normalization exceeds the [types of] conciliation stipulated by scholars in their books when they talk about the provisions of the peace with non-Muslims. Normalization with the Jews includes recognition of their rights to claim the land of Palestine and Jerusalem as the capital of the Jews, which [they use to] justify of all the crimes they committed against Muslim peoples. "

Nothing about Zionists. Oops.

Another Kuwaiti, writer Fuad Al - Hashem, referred to Qatar as "the Gulf's Israel," saying that Kuwait will deal with Qatar as if they were the "new Jews."

And how do Arabs and Muslim treat their Jews? That part is obvious to Mr. Al Hashem and to his readers, despite the insistence that Jews were honored members of the Muslim world for centuries.

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