
Sunday, July 23, 2017

Neturei Karta seems to violate Jewish law (update)

Fatah has a video of an anti-Israel protest in New York City, seemingly on Saturday, where they claim 2000 people showed up marching towards the Israeli consultate. (I could find no record of any protest on Saturday, so it is possible that Fatah is recycling an old protest to make it sound like there is worldwide support for abolishing security measures, but who knows?)

I noted one sign that was from the marginal, purportedly ultra-Orthodox Neturei Karta group (NKUSA) - but the person we could see in the video holding the sign was clearly not a member of Neturei Karta, whose members dress all in black as if they were normative ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Apparently, Neturei Karta hires some non-Jews to protest for them, presumably for the Sabbath.

And according to Jewish law, this would not be allowed. Jews are not allowed to hire non-Jews to do activities for them specifically on the Sabbath that Jews would not be allowed to do themselves, and carrying a sign in Manhattan qualifies as such an activity.

It should be re-emphasized that every other ultra-Orthodox group has condemned Neturei Karta, even other anti-Zionist sects.

If this rally really was on this past (or any other) Saturday, Neturei Karta is breaking Jewish law. If not, then Neturei Karta is hiring people to protest on its behalf.

UPDATE: Edgar Davidson has seen Neturei Karta directly violate the Sabbath last month in British "Al Quds" rallies, carrying banners in Trafalgar Square. Others have observed the same.

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