
Thursday, July 06, 2017

Muslims continue to accuse their Muslim enemies of being Jews

Al Alam, Iran's state run Arabic media outlet, published an article today saying that the Saudi royal family is Jewish.

If you are interested in the stupid details, here's a Facebook page that describes the theory in English.

Iran, which strenuously pretends not to be antisemtiic, finds that the most effective way to insult its enemies is to call them Jewish.

Of course, the Al Saud family wants to do the same to those it is unhappy with as well.  A Saudi prince named Badr Bin Saud,  who is also a journalist, tweeted  this picture of Turkish president Erdogan along with ISIS members last week.
The tweet said, "Erdogan is the new master in Qatar, he sent five thousand of his soldiers to train the ten thousand soldiers that are the entire Qatari army. He (i.e. Erdogan) is originally Georgian, a Khazar Jew. Not that there is anything wrong with that."

What more proof do you need that the Saudi family is Jewish than that they are quoting Seinfeld?

(h/t Ibn Boutros)

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