
Tuesday, May 02, 2017

Idiots protest for terrorist rights while real Palestinian kids are dying in Syria

About 12 pathetic terror supporters took time out of their meaningless lives to "stand for freedom and dignity for Palestinian prisoners" in front of an electronics store in New York City last Friday.

Passers-by didn't even want to make eye contact as they were badgered to accept propaganda sheets.

Of course, "freedom and dignity" means the right to have more Arab satellite TV channels and the right to cook their own food in prisons. Not to mention air-conditioning.

Since the organizers weren't sure they would get enough people, they added that they were also protesting Hewlett Packard because, why not?

(By the way, I found a list of prisoner demands from 2004. They had even more demands then, like not to be searched and to keep cell doors open!)

There were similar protests in support of freeing Palestinian terrorists to kill more Jews in Brussels and Berlin.

Meanwhile, the Action Group for Palestinians in Syria have counted 220 Palestinian children who have been killed in Syria during the fighting so far from munitions or starvation.

For some reason, the "pro-Palestinian" crowd are more interested in releasing people who kill Israeli children than they are in helping out Palestinian children.

Perhaps their  real agenda has nothing to do with human rights. Just a thought.

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