
Tuesday, November 08, 2016

Egyptian paper quotes David Duke Jew-hate, identifying him as a "professor"

Al Wafd, an Egyptian paper associated with the liberal Wafd party, has an article quoting David Duke's antisemitic rantings of Jews rigging the US elections and how AIPAC hates Donald Trump because he is a threat to their interests.

What is more interesting is that Al Wafd only identifies Duke as a "history professor" and not as a white supremacist - who also happens to hate Arabs.

Meaning that Al Wafd wants to make it appear as if Duke is a mainstream figure and it is laundering its own Jew-hatred through the words of a convenient American antisemite.

This is the sort of thing we see all the time from Iranian media.

"We cannot be accused of hating Jews," goes the logic. "We are merely quoting prominent Americans who hate Jews!"

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