
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

It's really taking a long time for the Jews to take over "Haram/Al Aqsa"

From the statements of Ahmed Zaki Pasha in a British white paper on the holy sites of Jerusalem, December 1930, discussing why Jews have no right to put chairs or tables at the Western Wall:

(f) The real intentions of the Jews.
The aim of the Jewish agitation is not merely to obtain seats for the aged and invalids to rest on. In reality, what we have to deal with here is a Zionistic movement that has in view the securing of advantages for the Jews to which they have no right. In spite of all their statements to the contrary, the real aim of the Zionists is to obtain possession of the Haram-esh-Sherif.

From Electronic Intifada, Sunday:

It is almost like most Arabs have been following the same antisemitic script for nearly a hundred years, isn't it?

And yet the world never seems to catch on!

By the way, there is an irony to Hamas' celebrating the UNESCO resolution. In that same white paper, the Muslim representatives prefaced their claims with "Moslems state that all contentions relative to Moslem sacred places should be dealt with only by competent bodies as prescribed by the Sharia Law. Other bodies can have no jurisdiction whatever by the Sharia Law. Other bodies can have no jurisdiction whatever on these places." 

In other words, if the infidels say that an area is Muslim, that is cause for celebration, but if they say it isn't, it is meaningless. 

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