
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Sudanese writer calls for Israeli flag to fly in Khartoum

A Sudanese writer has posted on his Facebook page that he wants his government to normalize relations with Israel.

Sudanese paper Al Nilin reported that Abdel Azim Mohamed al-Jaafari wrote that he has been advocating normalization with Israel for years, saying that he has challenged religious scholars worldwide to explain why such relations with Israel would be forbidden.

Jaafari extols the economic and political benefits of relations with Israel as well as how consistent it would be with creating an atmosphere of peace in the region.

He says that he has floated the idea to a number of Sudanese as well as Israelis on the Internet. He wants nothing less than to see the Israeli flag proudly fly in the streets of Khartoum.

Interestingly, his Facebook page says that he is working at the Saudi Ministry of Agriculture, which makes one wonder if perhaps the Saudis are floating some trial balloons for is own potential opening up of relations with Israel.

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