
Thursday, February 04, 2016

Palestinian MOH blames Israel on World Cancer Day

Today is World Cancer Day, which means it is yet another excuse for Palestinians to blame everything evil on Israel.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health released a press statement saying that the rate of cancer in Gaza has increased dramatically from 2009 to 2014, from 65.6/100000 to 83.9/100000, according to a new study.

The press release quoted the study as saying "the impact of the repeated aggression of the Zionist occupation during the past ten years, in which all sorts of internationally prohibited weapons were used that may have contributed to this increase."

The Ministry called for an international conference to discuss how Israel is to blame. Pesticides, smoking and obesity are minor factors compared to "Zionist aggression. "

The interesting thing is that the rate of cancer in the West Bank has increased in the same time period by virtually the same amount, according to an article I quoted last month. Since no one is yet accusing Israel of using depleted uranium or white phosphorus in the West Bank, then perhaps the increase in Gaza cancer has nothing to do with Israel either.

Tellingly, the MOH didn't bother to issue any statistics from the West Bank on World Cancer Day, only Gaza - just to blame Israel for cancer.

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