
Friday, February 05, 2016

Major NYC synagogue to host Ban Ki Moon tomorrow

From the Park East Synagogue:

This comes only two days after the Palestinian Authority justified murdering Jews by using Ban Ki Moon's own words. 

I have no doubt that Ban believes that the Holocaust was a horrible event. But today he is doing nothing to prevent the next one; on the contrary he is giving the idea moral justification.

It is outrageous that he will be speaking to a major New York synagogue in the wake of his statements as well as his outlandish apparent belief that Israel's actions are far, far more important than anything else happening in the Middle East nowadays, based on his speech?

Maybe this was all arranged before the controversy. But the rabbi should take Ban Ki Moon to task for his words and actions. His self-righteous op-ed in the New York Times wasn't a condemnation of terror - it was incitement to terror.  He should be forced to answer about how Arabs who cheer murderers of Jews are now using his own words to justify their actions as he speaks about how terrible it is to kill Jews.

Comment on Park East's Facebook page.

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