
Friday, November 27, 2015

Head of Western-funded Palestinian NGO calls Jews "the enemies of humanity" (update)

Here is a description of the Palestinian Commission for Refugees Rights Protection written by the Anna Lindh Foundation:
The PCRP is Gaza-based NGO. It works with Refugees Communities, camp based groups all over Gaza Strip. Its mandate based on three interrelated areas namely Research, advocacy and campaign as well as Training and development. Current staff includes 4 full times. 6 part time, and 8 volunteers. The Budget varies yearly depending on the funding available. USAID, NED, QATAR government was the major three donors in the last three years.
I was able to verify at least one grant by USAID, of $37,000, in 2010, as well as over $40,000 in grants in 2005.

The website of the PCRP says that it is a member of the Anna Lindh network as well as of Amnesty International as well as other umbrella NGO networks.

In addition, they work with the UN Development Program. They recently met with a delegation from a Japanese NGO.

So while it is not too well-known, the PCRP gets its share of Western funds and attention.

The president of the organization, Dr Gamal Abdel Nasser Mohammed Abu Nahel, just wrote an article promoted on the PCRP Facebook page about - Jews. It is titled "The largest and most despicable gang in the world."

...Understand that they are the enemies of humanity. They twice tried to kill our Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. But God saved him from their cunning and guile.

Their so-called state is a bloody mess without morals and without religion run by a terrorist gang They are a nation of treachery and deceit and murder.

..."The Hour will not until Muslims fight the Jews, and the Jew hides behind the stones and trees. The rocks or trees will say: O Muslim! O slave of Allah! This is a Jew behind me, come kill him; except for the Gharqad tree which is a tree of the Jews": wait for the promise of God Almighty who will cleanse the holy land of their filth and their crimes.

They are the most despicable gang on the face of the earth and all they do was foretold in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, those documents from a lecture by Zionist leader Herzl to a group of Zionists, to control of the world and its wealth and rulers.

The bloody history of the terrorist Jewish Zionists has been continuous since the dawn of history to this day...
This is the head of an NGO that is respected by Western governments and "human rights" organizations. And his organization was so proud of the article that they promoted it themselves.

You may want to write to these Western organizations - Anna Lindh Foundation, Amnesty, USAID and National Endowment for Democracy, asking if they indeed partner with PCRP and if so what they plan to do about this.

(h/t Shawarma News)

UPDATE: Dr. Nahel has previously been highlighted here for saying that "Zionists' were responsible for the Crusades. (h/t Bob K)

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