
Saturday, October 10, 2015

Official Palestinian incitement continues

Fatah denied being part of a press release using its logo by the "General Command of the Third Palestinian Intifada".

But there is still plenty of incitement from official Fatah and PA channels.

Abbas Zaki, member of Fatah's Central Committee, stressed that Fatah has never abandoned the option of armed terror ("resistance") but said that it requires a consensus and unity.

Zaki told Anatolia News Agency, "Today, we defend ourselves...some with a stone and some with a knife."

Zaki also said that while there is no official sanction for an uprising, he praised the stabbers and stoners by saying that the attackers are "young men..(who) are driven by their consciousness and oppression in which they live."

More direct incitement to throw stones comes from the cartoonist at official PA daily Al Hayat al Jadida:

The same site published this bit of antisemitism last week:

This cartoon on the front page of Al Ayyam, also a pro-government daily, is more explicit in telling people to throw stones at Jews:

(h/t IronyDome)