
Friday, October 02, 2015

Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah group takes credit for murder of Eitam and Naama Henkin

Times of Israel reports:
A unit within Fatah’s armed wing assumed responsibility for the murder of an Israeli couple near the West Bank settlement of Itamar.

The Abdel Qader al-Husseini Brigades, a group affiliated with Fatah’s al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, announced on Friday that its men on Thursday night opened fire on the car of Eitam and Naama Henkin, a couple in their 30s, while they were driving home with their four children, aged four months to nine. The children were not wounded in the attack.

Fatah, headed by Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, is the largest faction within the Palestine Liberation Organization, which is the governing body in West Bank areas controlled by the Palestinian Authority.
The statement from the Husseini Brigades says:

With Allah’s help and in keeping with our people's right to struggle to recover our usurped homeland and our duty to sacred jihad, our forces on Thursday night carried out a necessary action in which they fired on a car of occupying settlers outside the Itamar settlement, built on Palestinian lands south of Nablus, firing directly on the car, killing a settler and wounding his wife according to enemy media, and the group returned to the safety of the camps.

We warn the enemy against carrying out any action against innocent civilians, wherever they are, because our troops will respond with similar attacks, and we will consider their actions to be war crimes.

Long live the unity of our people and our struggle to regain our dignity and homeland.

Brigades of the Martyr Abdul-Qader al-Husseini Storm Troopers
The Husseini Brigades also shot many rockets from Gaza last year, a fact that practically no media noted, as they want to pretend that Mahmoud Abbas' Fatah is a "moderate" group.

And the Al Aqsa Brigades of Fatah are not a rogue group. Their Abu Nidal Brigades has an article from yesterday about how the Fatah leadership thanked them for their work in general, reproducing the letter on Fatah stationery.

These Fatah groups are paid for and supported by Fatah, and Fatah is led by Mahmoud Abbas, who has never dissociated himself from their actions.

Which means that Mahmoud Abbas is a terrorist leader.

But world leaders, world media, NGOs and "Middle East experts" are so invested in  the myth of Abbas as a peacemaker that they simply ignore the straight line from "Palestinian President" Mahmoud Abbas to depraved terror attacks like this one.