
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Car bombing attempt - Arab media again make up denial stories

TOI reports:
A policeman was lightly injured Sunday morning when a Palestinian woman detonated explosives in her car near Ma’ale Adumim, east of Jerusalem.

The attacker was severely injured by the explosion and was evacuated to Hadassah Hospital in Jerusalem’s Ein Kerem neighborhood for treatment.

Police said officers noticed a “suspicious vehicle” driven by a woman toward a checkpoint en route to Jerusalem and signaled to her to stop. The woman then yelled “Allahu Akbar” and detonated a bomb in her car, a police statement said.

Army Radio reported the wounded officer is a traffic policeman who pulled over the bomber in her car for driving in a lane specified for public transport and carpooling.

The car was was bearing Israeli, rather than Palestinian, license plates, the report said. Police found a gas canister in the vehicle and said that the woman had intended to carry out a bombing in Jerusalem.

Initial reports pointed to a possible suicide bombing, saying that the woman had died in the attack. Police later said the woman exited her car just before the bomb went off, indicating that it may not have been a suicide bombing attempt.
JPost adds:
"It is feared that a terror cell stands behind the Sunday morning explosion near Ma'aleh Adumim and it's possible that there will be more attempts to execute terrorist attacks using explosives," a military source told The Jerusalem Post's sister publication Ma'ariv.

The source questioned the sophistication of the cell however.

"The explosive device was small and unprofessional and the terrorist was not trained," he explained.

An investigation of the incident revealed that there were gas canisters in the suspect's car that were meant to explode and cause much greater damage.

She was sent to carry out the attack and the explosive was prepared for her, but the execution of the attack demonstrates that the terror cell was not organized or trained.

The source said the suspect is known to security forces and officials were checking which organization she belonged to.
Palestinian Arab media are denying the story, claiming based on "eyewitnesses" that the woman had an electrical problem with her car and it started an internal fire and that the police wouldn't let her (and her child, not mentioned in any Israeli media) leave the car. She screamed "allahu akbar" in fear, according to this version of the story.

Another Arab story claims that according to other "eyewitnesses" is that Israeli forces shot at the car for no reason.

The terrorist's name is Isra Djabaas, which happens to be the same surname as the person responsible for an attack with an excavator tractor in 2014 in Jerusalem that killed one.