
Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Arabs try to get their lies straight on stabbing this morning

TOI reports:
A teenage Palestinian woman stabbed an Israeli man near the Lions’ Gate of the Old City of Jerusalem on Wednesday morning and was then shot at the scene.

She was shot by her victim, who was stabbed in the back, police said.

“Upon arriving, I saw two patients,” MDA paramedic Aharon Adler told The Times of Israel. “One of them, an approximately 30-year-old male with stab wounds to his upper body, fully conscious; alongside him, a young woman with gunshot wounds. According to him, she came up and stabbed him twice from behind. And then she was shot.

“Her condition was worse than his,” he added.
Arab media immediately went into denial, but they couldn't quite make up their minds as to how to lie about this.

Ma'an Arabic quotes one of those famous "eyewitnesses" who says that the woman had no knife at all and the "settler" attacked her and then shot her.

Palestine Press Agency, without elaborating, claims in its headline that "settler tried to rape a girl" and also that she had no weapon.

The lie that will likely win the battle is from Palestine Today, which claims (again according to "eyewitnesses") that the "settler" tried to remove the girl's hijab. She responded by lightly stabbing him and then he had the excuse he wanted to shoot and kill her.

Other variants say that he tried to remove her hijab but she wasn't armed but he shot her when she fought back.

Expect the English language pro-jihad sites like Electronic Intifada to christen one of these stories as the official one any minute now.