
Monday, September 07, 2015

What do those "Talmudic rituals at Al Aqsa" look like?

Yesterday, the AL Aqsa foundation reported that Jews had tried to perform "Talmudic rituals" on the Temple Mount, but their fiendish plot was foiled by vigilant Waqf guards there.

But today, Palestine Press Agency reported that "Jewish settlers stormed AL Aqsa and performed religious rituals inside."

What are these mysterious rituals? Do they look or sound like the rituals that Muslims routinely engage in when they see Jew filth on the Temple Mount, like this snippet of women screaming "Allah-hu Akbar" yesterday?

Certainly these Talmudic rituals must involve slaughtering animals and children, or perhaps wild screaming and dancing and drinking alcohol that would disturb the peaceful Muslim worshipers who are inside the actual Al Aqsa Mosque or one of the other mosques on the Mount.

Here is an exclusive look at a Jew engaging in Talmudic rituals on the Temple Mount, in all its offensiveness, from earlier this year:

Who could fail to be disgusted at such a blatant display of prayer?