
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

UNRWA teacher calls for violent uprising, with specific instructions

Chris Gunness of UNRWA said that his organization takes reports ofviolations of neutrality by its staff very seriously. But it is not difficult to find postings by UNRWA teachers that violate those standards.

And there is no indication that UNRWA is doing anything beyond lip service.

Today's example comes from UNRWA teacher Mohamed Elayan, of Jordan. 

He wants to see Arabs in the West Bank start a new intifada. And not a peaceful one, either.

The (West) Bank is rising up for Gaza

A call for every honorable patriot in the (West) Bank of honor: let us shake [intifada]  for the blood that is being spilt in Gaza, and let our blood unite and our souls embrace in the heavens, let us set out every day to defend our umma (nation) and fight the soldiers of the enemy everywhere.

Places of confrontations:

In black letters it lists Jerusalem, Ramallah, Jenin, Qalqiliya, Hebron, Nablus, Betlehem, and Tul Karem.

Underneath each are specific places to attack, for example, the places mentioned for Ramallah are: Ni’ilin, the Ofer gate (the entrance to the Ofer Prison), the Atarot checkpoint, Bi’ilin, Nabi Saleh,, Qalandiya checkpoint ans Sinjil.

This UNRWA teacher is handing out a lesson plan for war.