
Monday, August 10, 2015

Amnesty seems embarrassed by my exposé

On Friday, I reported that Amnesty International has been obsessed with Israel this month on their Twitter feed, and practically ignoring every real human rights issue worldwide in their singleminded pursuit of demonizing the Jewish state.

My graph went viral on Twitter.

Since then, as of this morning*, the @AmnestyOnline account has not tweeted a single thing about Israel. As of this morning there have been 18 consecutive non-Israel tweets, while for the previous month there had never been more than 4. And they have tweeted more about other topics than they had in weeks.

A first I thought it might be because of s cease fire in the Gaza war last year, but that cease fire ended on August 9.

Apparently, someone high up at Amnesty realized that this looks really bad and told the Twitter administrator to cool it, at least until they can get some of the blue bars above to go a bit higher.

Of course, no one at Amnesty has bothered to correct the many anti-Israel lies in their heralded Gaza Platform. They won't do that until the media notices and reports on their decision to build an expensive website based on provably wrong data.

*UPDATE: Amnesty did resume its Gaza tweets after I wrote this. From what I could tell it was really a civilian that was killed by accident - he was riding a motorcycle.

UPDATE 2: It gets much better than that.