
Monday, July 13, 2015

Yet another @Amnesty deception on Twitter

I had tweeted this, but in the interests of completeness... Amnesty tweeted this on Friday:

I responded yesterday:

Here he is, based on this video:

I don't know whether Umar was the only intended target. There might have also been a tunnel opening or a command center in that house.

But the point is that Amnesty is using the first anniversary of the Gaza war as an excuse to take specific events, strip them of any context, and present Israel as an out-of-control bully that bombs civilians for no reason. In every single case they have specified, they were found to have engaged in deception or flat out lies.

So far, Amnesty has not brought a single example of an Israeli attack for which I was unable to find a military target, using nothing but Google and known sources like the Meir Amit Center from which I got this information. They have not brought one iota of evidence of Israeli war crimes, which is what they said they would "prove" this month. Their heralded Gaza Platform has been proven to be a tool which regurgitates unreliable data and spits it back out as if it is something brand new.

The only thing being proven during this anniversary of the Gaza war is that Amnesty is not engaged in human rights, but in anti-Israel propaganda. Nobody with a shred of intellectual honesty that has read my series since they started this fiasco can doubt that Amnesty is heavily biased.

Indeed, Amnesty's tweets and articles over the past week makes the UNHRC Davis report look positively Zionist by comparison. The Davis report was careful to get the Israeli response to events when available - but Amnesty doesn't. The Davis report was careful to couch its accusations in language that leaves wiggle room when they say that perhaps Israel engaged in violations of the laws of war based on limited informaiton-- but Amnesty doesn't. Teh Davis report would look up the names of the victims in the Meir Amit database - but Amnesty doesn't.

The very attempt by Amnesty to discredit Israel is discrediting Amensty. Now the question si whether any journalist will double check my facts against Amnesty's factoids and come up with his or her own conclusions.

It is way past time for Amnesty to lose its halo. Its own actions make it imperative.