
Tuesday, June 23, 2015

How DARE anyone psychoanalyze a national leader! (Hypocrisy alert)

Lisa Goldman, who normally writes for +972 magazine, is incensed at Michael Oren's analysis of Barack Obama's mindset he did while he was Israel's ambassador to the US:

How dare he!

Goldman indignantly writes:

[It is... difficult to believe that a man who has a PhD in history from Princeton University, and who spent years in the diplomatic arena, would think it remotely appropriate to indulge in cheap anti-intellectual speculation about a president’s relationship with his daddy as a means of explaining his foreign policy.

It's awful!

Except that Lisa's +972 magazine did exactly that to...drumroll, please....Binyamin Netanyahu!

Yes, the leftist magazine gave a rave review to a self-published e-book by amateur psychologists to analyze Bibi.

The review includes this:

The thesis is that there’s a psychological triumvirate or holy national-political-security trinity in his mind, comprised of Netanyahu the elder, Bibi’s legendary father, and his slain brother Yonatan, a fallen mythical hero if there ever was one. It is Bibi’s trapped-animal status between these two that compels him to seek his own defeat, in the authors’ view.

They observe that Benzion Netanyahu made no secret of his preference for his eldest son, Yoni, or of his hopes that Yoni would lead the country to fulfill the father’s grandiose mighty-man dreams for Israel. Bibi of course has awe and respect for both his father and his brother. His ambitions would lead him to the top offices, his insecurities meant that when he got there, his inner will not to steal his dead brother’s birthright meant that he never wanted to be too good, too successful, too loved – his deep anger against his father, but also at himself for disappointing his father by not being his brother, leads to self-fulfilling prophecy of permanent failure.
Saying Bibi has daddy issues is valuable analysis, based on...not much.

But saying that Obama has daddy issues - based on the only autobiography that Obama has written - is crude and disrespectful.

This is the consistency of the anti-Zionist Left.

(h/t EBoZ)