A writers club in Mukallah, Yemen hosted a lecture by Humam Abdul Rahman Baabbad explaining everything Arabs need to know about the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
He explained the history behind it, a brief description of all 24 protocols, and how Jews want to control the Arab and Muslim worlds. The latest Arabic edition apparently says that the Elders are working to extract all Arab wealth and smash all Arab values and ethics. He also showed how today's ZIonist leaders are following the protocols to a T.
Following his presentation, a series of scholars gave their on spin on these incontrovertible facts. The audience heard from Professor Salem Pars, Dr. Salah Bin Mdshl, Hashim Abdella Saqqaf, Mohamed Mounir Ben Haarharh, and finally Dr. Abdel Gadir Ali Baissy.
None of these professors were reported to have had any problems with regarding the Protocols as real.
The lecture was attended by a group of teachers and young people interested in thought and culture and the danger of Zionist colonialist schemes.
The audience did not seem too impressive, though.